ICABS 2021

The highlight of this conference is the participation of both international and domestic top scholars in the field of biomedical sciences. Invited international speakers include the following 9 members of the US Academy of Sciences Drs. William Kaelin (2019 Nobel Laureate) , Randy Schekman (2013 Nobel Laureate), Tony Hunter, Lewis Cantley, Irving Weissman, Zhijian James Chen, Dinshaw Patel, and Ron DePinho. Also invited are other renown international scholars, including Drs. Nagashiro Minato, Zhimin James Lu, Xiang-Dong Fu, Dihua Yu, and Wenyi Wei. Domestic experts include Academicians of Academia Sinica, Drs. Chien-Jen Chen (formal Vice President of Taiwan, R.O.C.), Pan -Chyr Yang ,Chi-Huey Wong, and Mien-Chie Hung .

The topic covers the most advanced and forward-looking biomedical topics , including: Signal Transduction and Cancer, Cancer Metabolism, Stem Cells, Cancer Immunology, Novel technology and translational innovation, and Innovative Cancer Therapy.