

Mien-Chie Hung


China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan Academia Sinica, Taiwan,


President and Academician


National Taiwan University, Taiwan               B.S.            1973       Chemistry
National Taiwan University, Taiwan               M.S.           1977       Biochemistry
Brandeis University, MA, USA                       Ph.D.          1983       Biochemistry
Whitehead Institute, MIT, MA                    Postdoc            1986    Oncogene (Mentor: RA Weinberg)



John P. McGovern Award for Outstanding Teaching, U.T. H.S.C. -Houston (1990, 1993, 1999, 2018),
Faculty Achievement Award in Education (1993) and in Basic Research (1998, 2017), UTMDACC
Member, Pathology B Study Section (1996 – 2000) and Sub-committee C (2001-2005), NIH.
Founding Editorial Board, Cancer Cell 2001; Editor-in-Chief, American Journal for Cancer Research 2015-
2002                Academician of the Academia Sinica, Taiwan, ROC
2006                Member, The University of Texas Academy of Health Science Education
2007                Distinguished Teaching Professor, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
2010-16   Full Member, Scientific Advisory Council, Susan G Komen
2010                Fellow, section of Biological Sciences, American Association for the Advancement of Science
2014-18           Overseas Member, Scientific Advisory Board*, Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology, A*STAR, Singapore,
2017                Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award, The University of Texas System
2018-19          President-elect, The University of Texas Kenneth I Shine, MD Academy of Health Science Education
2013- present         Member, Review and Selection Committee in the Biopharmaceutical Science Category, Tang Prize
2017-20           Chair, Search committee of director of Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia   Sinica(中央研究院)
2019-2021       臺灣綠色大學聯盟第4屆理事
2020                台灣生物產業發展協會 第十六屆理事
2020               第 16 屆永信李天德醫藥科技獎評審委員
2020               第24屆教育部國家講座主持人生物及醫農科學類評審委員
2020-2021      總統科學獎委員會委員
2020               教育部「玉山學者」計畫【醫學】領域審議委員
2020-2022      Member, Academic Advisory Board (AAC), Institute of Molecular Biology
2021                國家衛生研究院分子與基因醫學研究所(分基所)學術評鑑委員



Dr. Hung  was a Principal Investigator for 2 R01s, 1 CPRIT, T32 and U01 grants right before retiring from M D Anderson in Feb. 2019. Currently, Dr. Hung maintains active research programs both in China Medical University at Taiwan and  in MD Anderson Cancer Center, where he served as a vice president of basic research and the chair of the department of Molecular and Cellular Oncology. Dr. Hung’s research group  focuses on the following  areas: 1) Unravel non-canonical signal pathways of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR); 2) Identification of crosstalk signaling pathways in cancer cells to predict resistance for targeted therapy; 3) Elucidation of posttranslational modifications that play critical roles in tumor progression; 4) Discovery of signaling pathways and key regulators that are specific and critical to cancer stem cells proliferation; 5) Development of effectively immunotherapy and study of resistant mechanisms of immunotherapy.



List of published work in Google Scholar: