

Prof. Randy Wayne Schekman


Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA


Nobel Laureate /


University of California, Los Angeles  B.A. 1970 Molecular Biology, Cum Laude

Stanford University School of Medicine  Ph.D. 1975 Biochemistry, (Advisor: Dr. A. Kornberg)

University of California, San Diego Post-Doc. 1976 Biology (PD Advisor:  S.J. Singer)


1970 Woodrow Wilson Fellow

1970 UCLA Zoology Department Undergraduate Research Award

1974 Cystic Fibrosis Postdoctoral Fellow

1982 Guggenheim Fellow

1987 Eli Lilly Research Award in Microbiology and Immunology

1992 Election to the National Academy of Society

1993 Honorary Member, Japanese Biochemical Science

1994 Lewis S. Rosenstiel Award in Basic Biomedical Science

1995 Harvey Lecture, The Harvey Society

1996 The Gairdner International Award

1997 Docteur Honoris Causa, University Of Geneva, Switzerland

1999 Elected President, American Society for Cell Bioligy

1999 Berkeley Faculty Research Lecturer

1999 Amgen Award Lecture, Protein Society

2000 Elected Americal Academy of Art and Sciences<

2001 Elected Foreign Associate, EMBO

2002 Albert Lasker Award in Basic Medical Research

2002 Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize of Columbia University

2005 Keith Porter Lecture, American Society for Cell Biology

2005 Docteur Honoris Causa, University, the Netherlands

2007 Van Deenan Medalist, Utrecht University, the Netherlands

2008 Elected Member, The American Philosophical Society

2008 Dickson Prize in Medicine, University of Pittsburgh

2008 Inaugural Senior Fellow, Miller Institute, UC Berkeley

2008 Elected Member, The American Philosophical Society

2010 Massry Prize, Meira and Shaul G. Massry Foundation

2010 E. B. Wilson Award, American Society for Cell Biology

2010 Elected Foreign Member, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Italy

2011 Inaugural Arthur Kornberg and Paul Berg Lifetime Achievement Award-Stanford University School of Medicine

2013 Otto Warburg Prize of the German Biochemical Society

2013 Elected Foreign Associate, The Royal Society, Lonson

2013 Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology

2014 UCLA Medal

2014 Elected Academia Sinica, Honorary Academican

2014 Doctor Scientiae et Honoris Causa, Pontufucia Univeersidad Catolica de Chile

2014 Doctor honoris causa, Aula Magna Facultad de Ciencias Quimicas y Farmaceuticas, Universidad de Chile

2015 University Professor, University of California System

2016 UC Education Abroad Program Alumnus of the year

2016 UC Berkeley Faculty Fiat Lux Award

2016 Inaugural UC Berkeley Faculty Fiat Lux Award

2016 Honorary D.SC degree of Doctor of Science, University of Edinburgh

2017 Honorary doctorate Jacobs University, Bremem

2017 Academy of Achievement Golden Plate Award

2019 Honorary doctorate University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

2019 Foreign Associate, Chilean Academy of Science

2022 Keynote speaker, 2022 Spring Commencement, UC Berkeley

2023 Honorary doctorate, University of Brasilia, Brazil


Dr. Schekman’s group Investigates the mechanism of membrane protein traffic in the secretory pathway in eukaryotic cells. Currently the lab investigates the mechanism of biogenesis of extracellular vesicles including how small RNAs aresorted for secretion in exosomes and the means by which these vesicles are internalized and function in target cells


List of published work in Scopus:
